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Quokka-QOKは "今を未来へ" というモットーを掲げ、eスポーツ発展とFortnite競技の上位を目指して活動しております。現在は『QOK』、『QOK-Z【零】』『QOK-R』の3チームを展開し、Fortnite公式大会でasia1位を3回、asia100位以内は800回以上獲得し、アジアのトップを目指しております。
Quokka-QOK has the motto "From the present to the future" and is working towards the development of e-sports and the pinnacle of Fortnite competition. Currently, we have three teams: "QOK", "QOK-Z [Zero]" and "QOK-R", and have won first place in Asia three times in official Fortnite tournaments, and have ranked within the top 100 in Asia more than 800 times. We are proud of our track record and aim to become a top team in Asia.
QOK designe Gallery
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